Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Soft Scrub Experiment

So, for my birthday, Chris got me pretty much the greatest gift ever. $100 to Barnes and Noble. Woot Woot! Bring on the reading!

So I've purchased quite a few books, And I suppose you can tell what my current hobby is, just by looking at the titles...

Make Your Place: Affordable, sustainable nesting skills by Raleigh Briggs

Preserve It!:Bottled fruits; Jams & Jellies; Pickles; Cured Meats

Yeah... So I spent the better half of today trying some things out. Here is THE SOFT SCRUB EXPERIMENT!

So, Make Your Place has a recipe for a "make your own soft scrub." And I have read a lot of other recipes like this, so here is my mix.

1 cup baking soda
1/3 cup castile soap
2-3 aspirin crushed
A few drops of Tea Tree Oil
A few drops of any other kind of oil that might make it smell nice.

The Castile soap that I got was made with tea tree oil. I love the smell of tea tree oil and, supposedly, it wards off bugs. Double Bonus!

So, I'm really embarrassed about my tub... But for the sake of science!

So that was the before picture. Gross, I know. But there it is.

I decided to compare my home made soft scrub with actual soft scrub.

One half was scrubbed with my soft scrub, and the other with the store bought stuff.


I'm not sure if you can see it very well, but the left side was cleaned with my own soft scrub mix, and the right was cleaned with the store soft scrub. The light is horrid, but the side cleaned with my own concoction is much cleaner. I spent approximately the same amount of time scrubbing both sides.

Woot! Weirdly excited about the outcome.

Homemaker: 1
Commercial Products: 0